
By Caleb Raney



Your one stop shop for modular components

An experiment in utilizing Webflow's component slots to make a layout system for fast and flexible landing pages.

what is it?

This entire page is components

Built off of flexible building blocks for maximum creative control.


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Features include:

Modular Global Elements

A collection of extremely customizable global elements (Headings, Paragraphs, Images, List Items, Icons, Cards and More)

Prebuilt Sections

It includes the Lumos Starter components for quickly getting started with simpler layouts

Customizable Layouts

Use multiple layers of components with nested grid and flexboxes for more diverse options.




It's flexible

Use Grid or Flex

Grid Layouts

Flex Layouts

Built for breakpoints


3. 2. 1. Go!

This is just a starting point

Using this component system and framework you can be well on your way to create even more unique and customizable layouts with all the building blocks in place.

More About Components

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Thought this was cool? Check out my blog for more content about Webflow, Variables, and More

Made by

Caleb Raney